Focus new product family


New temperature ramp module with TCD or NGD detector


Two family module range

Isotherm and now with temperature ramp control

Get HHV up to C6+ within 2mn!

Our new modules with temperature ramp with either PPQ or MS5A column extend and complete our natural gas  speed analysis with only one module ( an injector + a column + a detector).
Mixing MI100G & MRT100G modules in an ATEX system permits to get natural gas or Biomethane & Hydrogen analysis in one shot.




What is a module?

Each module embeds a whole analytical GC chain: an injector + a column + a detector.
The module can be multiplexed within a single system for wide application ranges. Plug our modules within our ChromPix2, TwinPix or their ATEX versions ChromEx 200 and 400.

What can you analyze?

We analyze a wide range of modules to cover your needs, from hydrogen to heavy oils.

Want to know more?

Ask for our catalogue in our contact form or call us.

Plug them in a ChromEx


Our ChromEx200 (2 channels) and ChromEx400 (4 channels) are the ATEX-proof versions of our TwinPix and ChromPix.
Chromex™ system is dedicated for online process monitoring for industrial and petrochemical applications.
Packaging is adapted to explosive atmospheres and follows ATEX and safety standards and IECEX certifications.

ATEX II 2 G Ex db IIB T5 Gb

Or plug them in a ChromPix2/2S

Configure it for laboratory or in a 19″rack

Multi-Gas Analyzer ChromPix2 features the flexibility of mixing MRT100G & MI100G in the laboratory but also on site in a shelter installed in a 19 inches rack thanks to the no flame detectors TCD & NGD.


Modern interface control

PixL Pro Software vs 2.10.10

MODBus is our communication interface protocol

PixL Pro is accessible directly from LCD Touchscreen display of the analyzer

or via VNC/SFTP from a distant computer



  • Concentrations
  • Wobbe Index
  • Density
  • HHV, LHV
  • Alarms
  • Method sequencer

All direct indications to monitor industrial process and feed central command

Focus on PixL Console

Our web interface to access our micro-GC at distance from any tablet or PC.



  • PixL Post processing
  • Pix L Dev’ for advanced parameters

For laboratory

Our systems are also controlled by Clarity software from Data Apex (CZ)

The demo version is available here



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Make a request to have more documentation on our devices ATEX & OIML140 certified

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APIX Analytics
Miniparc Polytec
Immeuble Tramontane
60 rue des Berges
38000 Grenoble

+33 4 80 80 51 90